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Can Diabetics Drink Juice and Alcohol ??

Before a diabetic can drink juice, he/she must consider how juice and other carbohydrates affect the blood glucose levels in the body. Developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a prerequisite to maintaining healthy bodyweight. ( Can Diabetics Drink Alcohol ?, Can Diabetics Drink Juice and Alcohol, juices for diabetic, drinks for diabetics )

Since fruit juices, such as pineapple, oranges and apple juice are sources of carbohydrates with a low glycemic index, they should be made a part of one’s meals. ( Can Diabetics Drink Alcohol ?, Can Diabetics Drink Juice and Alcohol, juices for diabetic, drinks for diabetics )

Carbohydrates and Glucose Levels

Consuming foods that are loaded with carbohydrates increases one’s blood glucose levels while on the other hand, eating small amounts of carbohydrates decreases blood glucose levels. It is therefore, important that people consume the right amount of carbohydrates to maintain the blood glucose levels. ( Can Diabetics Drink Alcohol ?, Can Diabetics Drink Juice and Alcohol, juices for diabetic, drinks for diabetics )

Dietary Guidelines for Diabetics

Doctors, usually, do not prescribe a specific diabetic diet, but recommend that dietary changes be made to keep the blood glucose levels balanced. Doctors suggest that diabetics work closely with dieticians and create individualised meal plans that cover snacks and daily meals. According to The American Academy of Family Physicians, diabetics consume about 40 to 60 per cent of calories from carbohydrates, less than 30 per cent from fats and 20 per cent from protein. ( Can Diabetics Drink Alcohol ?, Can Diabetics Drink Juice and Alcohol, juices for diabetic, drinks for diabetics )

Juices for Diabetics

Diabetics can drink juice as long as they drink in moderation and stick to a low glycemic index carbohydrates. A low glycemic index carbohydrates rich food or drinks will not skyrocket the blood sugar levels. According to The North Fulton Internal Medicine Group, a diabetic must try vegetable and tomato juices, lime and lemon juices and canned fresh fruit juices that do not have any added sugars. For a diabetic, a half cup of juice equals one serving. ( Can Diabetics Drink Alcohol ?, Can Diabetics Drink Juice and Alcohol, juices for diabetic, drinks for diabetics )

Prefer Fruits over Juices

Although, the doctors say that it is safe to drink juices for diabetics, fruits are better sources of low glycemic index carbohydrates. According to the American Diabetes Association, fruits are sources of carbohydrates that contain vitamins A, C and E, potassium, calcium, magnesium and fibre. Some of the sources of carbohydrates include dark and leafy green vegetables and citrus fruits, such as grapefruit, lemon and limes, oranges, tomatoes and berries. A healthy diabetic diet consists of over three to five servings of vegetables and over two to four servings of fruits. ( Can Diabetics Drink Alcohol ?, Can Diabetics Drink Juice and Alcohol, juices for diabetic, drinks for diabetics )

Exercise Regularly

Whether or not diabetics drink juice, it is important for them to exercise regularly and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Exercising works in congruence with diet and helps keep the blood sugar levels under control, which must be the priority of diabetics.( Can Diabetics Drink Alcohol ?, Can Diabetics Drink Juice and Alcohol, juices for diabetic, drinks for diabetics )

Can Diabetics Drink Alcohol?

The effect of alcohol on diabetic individuals varies depending on the precise condition of the diabetic person in question. In most cases, drinking alcohol in moderation is possible but for some even a small amount of alcohol can have serious negative consequences. It is extremely important to discuss the question of drinking alcohol with a doctor or certified advisor in order to obtain the necessary information and to be aware of any precautions that also need to be taken. ( Can Diabetics Drink Alcohol ?, Can Diabetics Drink Juice and Alcohol, juices for diabetic, drinks for diabetics )

  • As a basic safety measure, it must be understood that frequent consumption of alcohol poses certain health risks for a diabetic person. This is the case primarily because the consumption of alcohol leads to a reduction of blood sugar levels. When blood sugar levels drop the liver usually has the ability to compensate and manage the production of the necessary amount of glucose, but drinking alcohol incapacitates the liver and prevents it from releasing the carbohydrates it has stored within. Alcohol is a toxin for the liver and hence until the alcohol leaves the body system, the liver is unable to produce any glucose. ( Can Diabetics Drink Alcohol ?, Can Diabetics Drink Juice and Alcohol, juices for diabetic, drinks for diabetics )
  • Even as little as two or three ounces of alcohol can cause the liver to cease glucose production. Therefore, diabetics are advised never to engage in heavy drinking (defined as three to four drinks in a single day), and to drink in moderation (usually this means one drink for a woman, and two at most for a man) and occasionally (or socially) only. ( Can Diabetics Drink Alcohol ?, Can Diabetics Drink Juice and Alcohol, juices for diabetic, drinks for diabetics )
  • Furthermore, it is important for the diabetic person to eat before drinking. Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach is not advisable if the diabetic person wants to preclude the possibility of any drop in blood sugar level. ( Can Diabetics Drink Alcohol ?, Can Diabetics Drink Juice and Alcohol, juices for diabetic, drinks for diabetics )


To be able to drink socially, as a diabetic, it is necessary to understand that the only way this is possible without resulting in any adverse health effects is if all necessary precautions are observed. For those attempting to manage their weight in order to improve their diabetic condition, drinking alcohol is not advisable. This is because drinking alcohol entails a huge intake of calories. At the same time it adds absolutely no nutritional value. For example as little as two light beers may add as much as two hundred calories. But nonetheless, there is no problem as long as a diabetic individual is planning to drink socially and in moderate amounts. ( Can Diabetics Drink Alcohol ?, Can Diabetics Drink Juice and Alcohol, juices for diabetic, drinks for diabetics )

It is also important to monitor blood sugar levels before the consumption of alcohol and before falling asleep. One may even eat a small snack before retiring, since this will help prevent the possibility of low sugar reaction while the diabetic individual is asleep. ( Can Diabetics Drink Alcohol ?, Can Diabetics Drink Juice and Alcohol, juices for diabetic, drinks for diabetics )

If these guidelines are followed, and a doctor consulted, there should be absolutely no problem for a diabetic individual to enjoy drinking alcohol occasionally. ( Can Diabetics Drink Alcohol ?, Can Diabetics Drink Juice and Alcohol, juices for diabetic, drinks for diabetics )

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